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Android 9 (API level 28) introduces a number of changes to the Android system.The following behavior changes apply to all apps when theyrun on the Android 9 platform, regardless of the API level that theyare targeting. All developers should review these changes and modifytheir apps to support them properly, where applicable to the app.
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For changes that only affect apps that target API level 28 or higher, seeBehavior changes: apps targeting API Level28+.
Power management
Android 9 introduces new features to improve device powermanagement. These changes, along with features that were already present beforeAndroid 9, help to ensure that system resources are made available to the appsthat need them the most.
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For details, see Power management.
Privacy changes
To enhance user privacy, Android 9 introduces several behaviorchanges, such as limiting background apps' access to device sensors, restrictinginformation retrieved from Wi-Fi scans, and new permission rules and permissiongroups related to phone calls, phone state, and Wi-Fi scans.
These changes affect all apps running on Android 9, regardless of target SDKversion.
Limited access to sensors in background
Android 9 limits the ability for background apps to access user input andsensor data. If your app is running in the background on a device runningAndroid 9, the system applies the following restrictions to your app:
- Your app cannot access the microphone or camera.
- Sensors that use thecontinuousreporting mode, such as accelerometers and gyroscopes, don't receive events.
- Sensors that use theon-changeor one-shotreporting modes don't receive events.
If your app needs to detect sensor events on devices running Android 9, use aforeground service.
Restricted access to call logs
Android 9 introduces theCALL_LOG
permissiongroup and moves theREAD_CALL_LOG
permissions into this group. In previous versions of Android, these permissionswere located in the PHONE
permission group.
permission group gives users better control and visibility toapps that need access to sensitive information about phone calls, such asreading phone call records and identifying phone numbers.
If your app requires access to call logs or needs to process outgoing calls, youmust explicitly request these permissions from theCALL_LOG
permissiongroup. Otherwise, aSecurityException
Note: Because these permissions have changed groups and are granted at runtime, it's possible for the user to deny your app access to phone call logs information. In this case, your app should be able to handle the lack of access to information gracefully.
If your app is already following runtime permissions best practices, it can handle the change in permission group. Download apps for android.
Restricted access to phone numbers
Apps running on Android 9 cannot read phone numbers or phone state withoutfirst acquiring theREAD_CALL_LOG
permission, in addition to the other permissions that your app's use casesrequire.
Phone numbers associated with incoming and outgoing calls are visible in thephone statebroadcast,such as for incoming and outgoing calls and are accessible from thePhoneStateListener
class.Without theREAD_CALL_LOG
permission, however, the phone number field that's provided inPHONE_STATE_CHANGED
broadcasts and through PhoneStateListener
is empty.
To read phone numbers from phone state, update your app to request the necessarypermissions based on your use case:
- To read numbers from the
intentaction, you need both theREAD_CALL_LOG
permission and theREAD_PHONE_STATE
permission. - To read numbers from
,you need theREAD_CALL_LOG
permission only. You don't need theREAD_PHONE_STATE
Restricted access to Wi-Fi location and connection information
In Android 9, the permission requirements for an app to perform Wi-Fiscans are more strict than in previous versions. For details, seeWi-Fi scanning restrictions.
Similar restrictions also apply to thegetConnectionInfo()
method, which returns a WifiInfo
object describing the current Wi-Fi connection. You can only use this object'smethods to retrieve SSID and BSSID values if the calling app has the followingpermissions:
Retrieving the SSID or BSSID also requires location services to be enabled onthe device (under Settings > Location).
Information removed from Wi-Fi service methods
In Android 9, the following events and broadcasts don't receive informationabout the user's location or personally identifiable data:
- The
methods fromWifiManager
. - The
methods fromWifiP2pManager
. - The
system broadcast from Wi-Fi no longer contains SSID (previously EXTRA_SSID),BSSID (previously EXTRA_BSSID), or connection information (previouslyEXTRA_NETWORK_INFO). If your app needs this information, callgetConnectionInfo()
Telephony information now relies on device location setting
If the user has disabled devicelocation on a devicerunning Android 9, the following methods don't provide results:
Restrictions on use of non-SDK interfaces
To help ensure app stability and compatiblity, the platform restricts the use ofsome non-SDK methods and fields; these restrictions apply whether youattempt to access these methods and fields directly, via reflection, or usingJNI. In Android 9, your app can continue to access these restrictedinterfaces; the platform uses toasts and log entries to bring them to your attention.If your app shows such a toast, it is important that you pursue animplementation strategy other than the restricted interface. If you feelthat no alternative strategy is feasible, you may filea bugto request reconsideration of the restriction.
Restrictions on Non-SDK Interfacescontains further important information. You should review it to ensure that yourapp continues to function properly.
Security behavior changes
Device security changes
Android 9 adds several capabilities that improve your app'ssecurity, regardless of which version your app targets.
TLS implementation changes
The system's TLS implementation has undergone several changes in Android 9:
- If an instance of
failsto connect while it's being created, the system throws anIOException
instead of aNullPointerException
. - The
class cleanlyhandles anyclose_notify
alerts that occur.
To learn more about making secure web requests in an Android app, see An HTTPSexample.
Stricter SECCOMP filter
Android 9 further restricts the system calls that are available to apps. Thisbehavior is an extension of the SECCOMP filter that Android 8.0 (API level 26)includes.
Note: This change only affects apps that use privileged syscalls.Cryptographic changes
Android 9 introduces several changes to the implementation andhandling of cryptographic algorithms.
Conscrypt implementations of parameters and algorithms
Android 9 provides additional implementations of algorithm parameters inConscrypt. Theseparameters include: AES, DESEDE, OAEP, and EC. TheBouncy Castle versions ofthese parameters and many algorithms have been deprecated as of Android 9.
Note: Conscrypt's implementation of the EC parameter only supports named curves.If your app targets Android 8.1 (API level 27) or lower, you receive a warningwhen requesting the Bouncy Castle implementation of one of these deprecatedalgorithms. If you target Android 9, however, these requests each throw aNoSuchAlgorithmException
Other changes
Android 9 introduces several other changes related to cryptography:
- When using PBE keys, if Bouncy Castle is expecting an initialization vector(IV) and your app doesn’t supply one, you receive a warning.
- The Conscrypt implementation of the ARC4 cipher allows you to specify eitherARC4/ECB/NoPadding or ARC4/NONE/NoPadding.
- The Crypto Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) provider has been removed. Asa result, if your app calls
SecureRandom.getInstance('SHA1PRNG', 'Crypto')
, aNoSuchProviderException
occurs. - If your app parses RSA keys from buffers that are larger than the keystructure, an exception no longer occurs.
To learn more about using Android's cryptographic capabilities, seeCryptography.
Android secure encrypted files are no longer supported
Android 9 completely removes support for Android secureencrypted files (ASECs).
In Android 2.2 (API level 8), Android introduced ASECs to supportapps-on-SD-card functionality. On Android 6.0 (API level 23), the platformintroduced an adoptable storagedevice technologythat developers can use in place of ASECs.
Updates to the ICU libraries
Android 9 uses version 60 of the ICU library. Android 8.0 (APIlevel 26) and Android 8.1 (API level 27) use ICU 58.
ICU is used to provide public APIs beneath the package
and is used internally in the Android platform for internationalization support.For example, it is used to implement Android classes in java.util
, java.text
,and android.text.format
The update to ICU 60 contains many small but useful changes, including Emoji 5.0data support and improved date/time formats, as documented in the ICU 59 and ICU60 release notes.
Notable changes in this update:
- The way the platform handles time zones has changed.
- The platform handles GMT and UTC better; UTC is no longer a synonym for GMT.
ICU now provides translated zone names for GMT and UTC. This change affects
formatting and parsing behavior for zones like 'GMT', 'Etc/GMT', 'UTC', 'Etc/UTC', and 'Zulu'. java.text.SimpleDateFormat
now uses ICU to provide display names for UTC /GMT, meaning:- Formatting
generates a long localized string for many locales. Previously, it produced produced 'UTC' for UTC and strings like 'GMT+00:00' for GMT. - Parsing
recognizes strings like 'Universal Coordinated Time', and 'Greenwich Mean Time'. - Apps may encounter compatibility problems if they assume that 'UTC' or 'GMT+00:00' are output for
in all languages.
- Formatting
- The behavior of
has changed:- As with
, UTC and GMT now have long names. DST variants of time zone names for the UTC zone, such as 'UTC', 'Etc/UTC', and 'Zulu', become GMT+00:00, which is the standard fallback when there are no names available, rather than the hard-coded stringUTC
. - Some zone IDs are correctly recognized as synonyms for other zones, so that Android finds strings for archaic zone IDs, such as
, that previously could not be resolved.
- As with
- Asia/Hanoi is no longer a recognized zone. For this reason
does not return this value, andjava.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone()
does not recognize it. This behavior is consistent with the
- The platform handles GMT and UTC better; UTC is no longer a synonym for GMT.
method may throw aParseException
even when parsing legitimate currency text. Avoid this problem by usingNumberFormat.parseCurrency
, available since Android 7.0 (API level 24), forPLURALCURRENCYSTYLE
-style currency text.
Android Test changes
Android 9 introduces several changes to the Android Test framework's libraryand class structure. These changes help developers use framework-supported,public APIs, but the changes also allow for more flexibility in building andrunning tests using third-party libraries or custom logic.
Libraries removed from framework
Android 9 reorganizes the JUnit-based classes into three libraries:android.test.base, android.test.runner, and android.test.mock.This change allows you to run tests against a version of JUnit that works bestwith your project's dependencies. This version of JUnit might be different thanthe one that android.jar
To learn more about how the JUnit-based classes are organized into theselibraries, as well as how to prepare your app's project for writing and runningtests, see Set up project for Android Test.
Test suite build changes
The addRequirements()
method in theTestSuiteBuilder
class has been removed, and the TestSuiteBuilder
class itself been deprecated.The addRequirements()
method had required developers to supply arguments whosetypes are hidden APIs, making the API invalid.
Java UTF decoder
UTF-8 is the default charset in Android. A UTF-8 byte sequence can be decodedby a String
constructor, such as String(byte[] bytes)
The UTF-8 decoder in Android 9 follows the Unicode standardsmore strictly than in previous versions. The changes include the following:
- The non-shortest form of UTF-8, such as
<C0, AF>
, is treated as ill-formed. - The surrogate form of UTF-8, such as
, is treated asill-formed. - The maximal subpart is replaced by a single
. For example, in the bytesequence '41 C0 AF 41 F4 80 80 41
,' the maximal subparts are 'C0
,' 'AF
,'and 'F4 80 80
.' 'F4 80 80
' can be the initial subsequence of'F4 80 80 80
', but 'C0
' can't be the initial subsequence of any well-formedcode unit sequence. Thus, the output should be 'AufffdufffdAufffdA
.' - To decode a modified UTF-8 / CESU-8 sequence in Android 9 or higher, use the
method or theNewStringUTF()
JNI method.
Hostname verification using a certificate
RFC 2818 describes twomethods to match a domain name against a certificate—using the availablenames within the subjectAltName
) extension, or in the absence of aSAN
extension, falling back to the commonName
However, the fallback to the CN
was deprecated in RFC 2818. For this reason,Android no longer falls back to using the CN
. To verify a hostname, the servermust present a certificate with a matching SAN
. Certificates that don'tcontain a SAN
matching the hostname are no longer trusted.
Network address lookups can cause network violations
Network address lookups that require name resolution can involve network I/O andare therefore considered blocking operations. Blocking operations on the mainthread can cause pauses or jank.
The StrictMode
class is a development tool that helpsdevelopers to detect problems in their code.
In Android 9 and higher, StrictMode
detects networkviolations caused by network address lookups that require name resolution. Download accelerator for android mobile price.
You should not ship your apps with StrictMode
enabled. If you do, then yourapps can experience exceptions, such asNetworkOnMainThreadException
when using thedetectNetwork()
methods to get apolicy that detects network violations.
Resolving a numeric IP address isn't considered a blocking operation. Numeric IPaddress resolution works the same as in versions before Android 9.
Socket tagging
In platform versions lower than Android 9, if a socket istagged using thesetThreadStatsTag()
method,the socket is untagged when it's sent to another process usingbinder IPCwith a ParcelFileDescriptor
In Android 9 and higher, the socket tag is kept when it’s sent to anotherprocess using binder IPC. This change can affect network traffic statistics, forexample, when using thequeryDetailsForUidTag()
If you want to retain the behavior of the previous versions, which untags asocket that is sent to another process, you can calluntagSocket()
before sending thesocket.
Reported amount of available bytes in socket
The available()
method returns 0
when it's calledafter invoking the shutdownInput()
More detailed network capabilities reporting for VPNs
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In Android 8.1 (API level 28) and lower, theNetworkCapabilities
class only reported a limited set ofinformation for VPNs, such asTRANSPORT_VPN
. This limitedinformation made it difficult to determine if using a VPN would result in chargesto the app's user. For example, checkingNET_CAPABILITY_NOT_METERED
would notdetermine whether the underlying networks were metered or not.
In Android 9 and higher, when a VPN calls thesetUnderlyingNetworks()
method, the Android system merges the transports and capabilities of anyunderlying networks and returns the result as the effective network capabilitiesof the VPN network.
In Android 9 and higher, apps that already check forNET_CAPABILITY_NOT_METERED
receive the network capabilities of the VPN and theunderlying networks.
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Files in xt_qtaguid folder are no longer available to apps
Beginning with Android 9, apps are not allowed to have directread access to files in the /proc/net/xt_qtaguid
folder. The reason is toensure consistency with some devices that don't have these files at all.
The public APIs that rely on these files, TrafficStats
, continue to work as intended.However, the unsupportedcutilsfunctions, such asqtaguid_tagSocket()
,may not work as expected—or at all— on different devices.

FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK requirement is now enforced
With Android 9, you cannot start an activity from anon-activity context unless you pass the intent flagFLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
.If you attempt to start an activity without passing this flag, theactivity does not start, and the system prints a message to the log.
Screen rotation changes
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Beginning with Android 9, there are significant changes to theportrait rotation mode. In Android 8.0 (API level 26), users could togglebetween auto-rotate and portrait rotation modes using a Quicksettingstile or Display settings. The portrait mode has been renamed rotation lockand it is active when auto-rotate is toggled off. There are no changes to auto-rotate mode.
When the device is in rotation lock mode, users can lock their screen to anyrotation supported by the top, visible Activity. An Activity should not assumeit will always be rendered in portrait. If the top Activity can be rendered inmultiple rotations in auto-rotate mode, the same options should be available inrotation locked mode, with some exceptions based on the Activity'sscreenOrientation
setting (see the table below).
Activities that request a specific orientation (for example,screenOrientation=landscape
) ignore the user lock preference and behavethe same way as in Android 8.0.
The screen orientation preference can be set at the Activity level in the AndroidManifest, or programmaticallywith setRequestedOrientation().
The rotation lock mode works by setting the user rotation preference which theWindowManager uses when handling Activity rotation. The user rotation preferencemight be changed in the following cases. Note that there is a bias to return tothe device's natural rotation, which is normally portrait for phone form factordevices:
- When the user accepts a rotation suggestion the rotation preference changes to the suggestion.
- When the user switches to a forced portrait app (including the lock screen or the launcher) the rotation preference changes to portrait.
The following table summarizes rotation behavior for the common screenorientations:
Screen Orientation | Behavior |
unspecified, user | In auto-rotate and rotation lock the Activity can be rendered in portrait or landscape (and the reverse). Expect to support both portrait and landscape layouts. |
userLandscape | In auto-rotate and rotation lock the Activity can be rendered in either landscape or reverse landscape. Expect to support only landscape layouts. |
userPortrait | In auto-rotate and rotation lock the Activity can be rendered in either portrait or reverse portrait. Expect to support only portrait layouts. |
fullUser | In auto-rotate and rotation lock the Activity can be rendered in portrait or landscape (and the reverse). Expect to support both portrait and landscape layouts. Rotation lock users will be given the option to lock to reverse portrait, often 180º. |
sensor, fullSensor, sensorPortrait, sensorLandscape | The rotation lock mode preference is ignored and is treated as if auto-rotate is active. Only use this in exceptional circumstances with very careful UX consideration. |
Apache HTTP client deprecation affects apps with non-standard ClassLoader
With Android 6.0,we removed support for the Apache HTTP client.This change has no effect on the great majority of apps that do not targetAndroid 9 or higher. However, the change can affect certain apps thatuse a nonstandard ClassLoader
structure,even if the apps do not target Android 9 or higher.
An app can be affected if it uses a non-standard ClassLoader
that explicitlydelegates to the system ClassLoader
. These apps need to delegate to the appClassLoader
instead when looking for classes in org.apache.http.*
. If theydelegate to the system ClassLoader
, the apps will fail on Android 9 or higherwith a NoClassDefFoundError
,because those classes are no longer known to the system ClassLoader
. Toprevent similar problems in the future, apps should in general load classesthrough the app ClassLoader
rather than accessing the system ClassLoader
Enumerating cameras
Apps running on Android 9 devices can discover every available camera by callinggetCameraIdList()
.An app should not assume that the device has only a single back camera or only asingle front camera.
For example, if your app has a button to switch between the front and backcameras, there may be more than one front or back camera to choose from. Youshould walk the camera list, examine each camera's characteristics, and decidewhich cameras to expose to the user.